Sunday, March 25, 2012

Challenger's Garden of Kindness

        All the help and support from students and parents have blown me away the past two weeks.  Thank you to each and everyone of you who came to help clear out the space.  It was a big, nasty job and everyone worked together with positive attitudes to get it done.   This week has been very soggy so, it has delayed our planting.  We'll see what the weather holds for us today.  Otherwise, we will plant the week we come back from break.  April 9th - April 13th during recess.   Here a some pictures of our progress so far.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

School Garden Update

We have been gathering donations from various local businesses this past month for our garden.  We are still in need of supplies, so if you have any connections or would still like to donate please contact me.  Thank you to those that have already donated!

We also need your help with preparing the soil of our garden.  Our start date is going to be the week of March 19th (I will be sending out a notice about this soon).  We will need to clean out the flower bed of the current plants and get it ready for planting.  If you have a shovel and wheelbarrow and a love of outdoor clean up, WE NEED YOU! :)

Native Americans of North America

In our current Social Studies unit of study we are studying the different native people groups across North America.  This week, we focused on the Plains Indians of the Midwest.  We learned that they carried their smaller belongings in what is called a Parfleche (par . flesh).  A sack, made from buffalo hide and painted with symbols and drawings of various things that were special to them and/or that told a story.  Here are a few of what the kids made.

Math Investigations

During our Math block, the kids have a time for independent practice with a variety of math tasks (computers, math challenge, homework, math facts).  Here a couple kids were working on making some amazing geometric patterns.

Valentine's Day Fun

This was a fun day in the middle of our Kids for Kindness celebration week.  The kids brought in creatively decorated boxes to put their Valentine's in and then at the end of the day we had a class vote on the Most Creative.  

Halloween Festivities

That day we did various Pumpkin Investigations like estimating the number of seeds in a pumpkin and then finding the exact amount,  weighing different sized pumpkins, making predictions about whether the pumpkin would sink or float (this was a fun shocker!) Thank you to the parents that came and helped us out that day!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Days = Early Mid Winter Break!

I hope everyone has been throughly enjoying the snow these past few days.  I know I have :)  Stay warm and safe out there and I will see you all hopefully on Monday.  Here's a few pics I've taken this week.  Enjoy!  ~ Miss Knapp